阿斯利康 股票价格图表 - #L-AZN 股票
This page includes full information about the 阿斯利康 stock, including the 阿斯利康 stock chart and dynamics on the chart by choosing any of 8 available time frames.
By moving the start and end of the timeframe in the bottom panel you can see both the current and the historical price movements of the instrument. In addition, you have an opportunity to choose the type of display of the 阿斯利康 stock price – Candles or Lines chart – through the buttons in the upper left corner of the chart. All clients that have not yet decided which instrument to trade are in the right place since reading the full characteristics of the 阿斯利康 stock and watching its performance on the charts will help them to make their final decision.
阿斯利康 | 股价数据
- 1分
- 5分钟
- 15 分钟
- 30 分钟
- 1 小时
- 4小时
- 1天
- 1周
This page includes full information about the 阿斯利康, including the 阿斯利康 live chart and dynamics on the chart by choosing any of 8 available time frames.
By moving the start and end of the timeframe in the bottom panel you can see both the current and the historical price movements of the instrument. In addition, you have an opportunity to choose the type of display of the 阿斯利康 live chart – Candles or Lines chart – through the buttons in the upper left corner of the chart. All clients that have not yet decided which instrument to trade are in the right place since reading the full characteristics of the AZN and watching its performance on the charts will help them to make their final decision.
技术分析是基于历史数据研究和评估市场走势。 其主要的目的是通过技术分析工具来预测未来市场活性水平。图表和技术分析利用市场的分析方法来预测不同货币和货币对的价格。这种分析将允许您基于历史价格进行市场预测.
查看最新的技术分析, AZN: AZN .
阿斯利康 新闻

阿斯利康: 减肥竞赛中的稳步增长和隐藏潜力
当投资者蜂拥而至礼来(Eli Lilly)和诺和诺德(Novo Nordisk)等专注于肥胖症的制药商时,阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)以其更合理的估值和良好的业绩记录脱颖而出,成为一家前景看好的替代药企。阿斯利康在减肥治疗领域可能得不到同等程度的关注,但它在肿瘤和心脏代谢疾病领域的稳步增长使其成为一个强有力的长期赌注。...