Nvidia 股票价格图表 - #S-NVDA 股票
This page includes full information about the Nvidia stock, including the Nvidia stock chart and dynamics on the chart by choosing any of 8 available time frames.
By moving the start and end of the timeframe in the bottom panel you can see both the current and the historical price movements of the instrument. In addition, you have an opportunity to choose the type of display of the Nvidia stock price – Candles or Lines chart – through the buttons in the upper left corner of the chart. All clients that have not yet decided which instrument to trade are in the right place since reading the full characteristics of the Nvidia stock and watching its performance on the charts will help them to make their final decision.
Nvidia | 股价数据
- 1分
- 5分钟
- 15 分钟
- 30 分钟
- 1 小时
- 4小时
- 1天
- 1周
This page includes full information about the Nvidia, including the Nvidia live chart and dynamics on the chart by choosing any of 8 available time frames.
By moving the start and end of the timeframe in the bottom panel you can see both the current and the historical price movements of the instrument. In addition, you have an opportunity to choose the type of display of the Nvidia live chart – Candles or Lines chart – through the buttons in the upper left corner of the chart. All clients that have not yet decided which instrument to trade are in the right place since reading the full characteristics of the NVIDIA and watching its performance on the charts will help them to make their final decision.
Nvidia 技术分析
英伟达(Nvidia)股票4小时价格走势图的技术分析显示,#S-NVDA,H4在200期移动平均线MA(200)下方回调,而MA(200)本身正在下降。 我们认为,在价格跌破 Donchian 通道下边界 112.63 后,看跌势头将持续。该价位可作为挂单卖出的入场点。止损可设在 121.59 以上。下单后,根据抛物线指标 ,每天将止损移至下一个分形高点。这样,我们就将预期盈亏比改为盈亏平衡点。如果价格达到止损位 (121.59),但未达到订单 (112.63),我们建议取消订单:市场发生了内部变化,而这些变化未被考虑在内。
股票 基本面分析 - Nvidia
穆迪(Moody's)昨天上调了 Nvidia 的信用评级。Nvidia 的股价还会继续走低吗?
穆迪评级公司(Moody's Ratings)宣布上调 Nvidia 公司的高级无担保评级,从 Aa3 升至 Aa2。在上调评级的同时,穆迪还确认了英伟达的 Prime-1 短期商业票据评级,并维持了对该公司评级的积极展望。穆迪之所以上调评级,是因为英伟达在人工智能(AI)基础设施领域处于领先地位,具有强劲的长期增长前景和令人印象深刻的财务状况。英伟达拥有432亿美元的现金和投资,85亿美元的债务水平相对较低,财务状况显得十分稳健。评级机构指出,地缘政治风险和公司对几家大型云服务提供商的依赖是英伟达股价的下行风险。美国的出口管制影响了英伟达在中国的营收增长,而英伟达的营收由于依赖几家大型云服务提供商而存在波动性,这几家云服务提供商的营收历来占其数据中心终端市场营收的近一半。公司评级上调对公司股价有利。然而,目前的市场环境对 Nvidia 股票来说是看跌的。
指标 | 信号 |
RSI | 中和 |
MACD | 卖出 |
Donchian Channel | 中和 |
MA(100) | 卖出 |
Fractals | 卖出 |
Parabolic SAR | 卖出 |
Nvidia Corp. 新闻

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